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How Can You Prepare For Your First Consultation With An Immigration Lawyer?


Right before an immigrant begins their first consultation with an immigration lawyer, they should spend some time preparing for this consultation.

Sometimes, it isn’t always easy to determine how to prepare or what to mention throughout the meeting. To prevent this situation from occurring, an immigrant should use the tips outlined below.

How Can You Prepare For Your First Consultation With An Immigration Lawyer?

To prepare for their first consultation with an immigration lawyer, an immigrant should use the tips outlined below. Doing so will allow an immigrant, and their immigration lawyer, to obtain the best possible legal outcome.

Tip 01: Clarify Your Goals 

Right before an immigrant begins their first consultation with an immigration lawyer, they should take the time to clarify their goals. Some of the goals an immigrant might have are as follows:

  • Dealing with an order for deportation.
  • Obtaining a green card.
  • Figuring out which visa is right for them.

A good immigration lawyer can, and will, assist an immigrant in achieving these goals. But, in order for an immigration lawyer to accomplish this, an immigrant must clarify that this is, in fact, their goal.

 Tip 02: Bring The Appropriate Documentation 

Every immigrant will possess certain documents. Even though some of these documents may seem necessary, an immigrant should bring them to their first consultation with an immigration lawyer.

Some of the most important documents an immigration lawyer will need to bring are as follows:

  • Passport.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Arrival documentation.
  • Immigration applications.
  • Immigration notices.
  • Immigration orders.

Outside of the above, an immigrant should bring any other relevant documents. This is especially true if their immigration goal depends on documentation, in one form or another.

 Tip 03: Develop A List Of Questions 

Many of the goals that an immigrant lawyer can, and will, help with are complex. But, an immigrant can learn about these goals, and how to achieve them, by asking questions.

To prepare for this, an immigrant can develop a list of questions that pertain to their goal. By writing out this list, and bringing it with them, an immigrant can clarify every facet of their goal and how it will be achieved.

 Tip 04: Remember To Be Completely Honest 

The only way an immigration lawyer can help an immigrant is if they are completely honest. A failure to be completely honest about a situation can lead to the wrong decisions being made or, in turn, other complications.

To assist in this process, every immigrant should, as mentioned earlier, clarify their exact goals and provide documentation that will assist their immigration lawyer in achieving these goals.

Speak With A Houston Immigration Lawyer 

You can work with an immigration lawyer and, in doing so, achieve your immigration goals. But, in order for you to do so, you should follow the tips outlined within this guide.

Speak with a Houston immigration lawyer at BBA Immigration. We will assist you in obtaining the best possible legal outcome, no matter your immigration situation.




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